The Life in my Stilettos

Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world. – M.M.

Archive for June, 2010

Yum Yum…

Last night I went on a spree and actually did some cooking.

I decided to cook a curry sauce with red beans and top it over striped chicken breasts and vegetables.

Moo couldn't have any because I used onion

Mooshi wasn't impressed I had forgotten about him and used onion.

This creation is what I have for lunch now today, and I’m glad today is my last day in the office after my holidays last week.  A beautiful three-day week.  Who can say no to that?


Dinner last night, and my lunch...

It was very good and quite spicy.  Best part of all? I used absolutely no salt in the veggies or chicken.  The curry had lots of spices in it but as for salt – I added none. Mmm Mmm… I can’t wait to start using the vegetables that I have in my garden.  Apparently I still have at least fifty days to go though until I see something edible.  So worth the wait  – I must remind myself to pick up a hanging strawberry bush, as my dessert was lacking the red goodness.


Where did all the strawberries go?

She’s back

Maybe I’m not back entirely – my head is killing me.  My eyes can barely focus on the screen, and I absolutely cannot wait until the work day is over – but it’s only Monday.

I’ve already edited an entire t0-do list with twenty things on it.  Ryan’s always telling me to make a list and we’ll knock things off of it.  So maybe this will be a start to getting a crap load of things completed.

Tonight I plan on cooking perogies and making brussel sprouts and homemade guacamole.  However, I have no tortilla chips so I’m curious to see how far this guacamole is going to go.  Even though it’s only Monday, perhaps it is time to bring out the tub of Blue Hurricane juice and add some Santiago Rum, straight from Cuba to it.  Make some slushies for dinner.  I’m sure that will help my headache go away.

Number twenty one on my list.  Find a part-time job.  I know I really don’t want one.  I wish that my boyfriend’s job covered both my dream for a part time income to go with my full time salary as well as his own.  I don’t know if I’m going to have enough time for myself if I find a second job.  But will it matter?
I know that I want certain things, and to save up for other certain things – how to get there?

Oh, what a headache I have.  4 more hours to go.

Did I mention I am missing lobster in Cuba like a fat kid misses…well you know.

Some days are just better rainer.

Caribou’s Odessa

Around me, there is a total storm.  I sit in a room in the back of my house, a room which has all windows and wood throughout it.  I love the sun room.  Today it is a rain room and Mooshi is fast asleep beside me, and the song listed above plays and plays.

I can barely hear myself thinking over the pelting rain, which sound more like swords of water hitting the house, the earth and everywhere around me.

Only a couple hours ago I was in the back yard, sprinkling grass seed, planting vegetables and fruits with Ryan.  Of course he mowed the lawn and made a point of sprinkling new top soil over the edibles and precious flowers we have planted throughout the yard.  The rain now sounds dangerous.  I made sure I used just a little Miracle Gro on the things we have planted this year.  It is our first year planting a garden together.

Brandywine tomatoes

I had already planted a pumpkin, cherry tomatoes, habaneros, hungarian wax, jalapeno, and wax peppers, I knew I wanted more.  I planted red onions, watermelon, honey dew melon, canteloupe, and some blueberries and three raspberry bushes.

As of today, I am not sure whether the canteloupe is the pumpkin or which one died.  I can’t figure out why I have so many Brandywine tomatoes, and one of the types of peppers are not growing so much.  I hope all of this rain, and the Miracle Gro help a little bit.  I hear the next two days will be full of sun.

My snack

In a contribution to help make my migraines go away, and also to help the leftover few pounds from my Cuban holiday I bought five dollars worth of beautiful strawberries and sat and ate about fifteen of them for my after lunch, pre-dinner snack.  Okay, so there was about an hour and a half in between both of the meals – but thats even better.

Only babies

Purple cabbage

Blue, and rasps


Time of your life

The summer brings so many two months of fun, relaxation and silly time with friends.

Last summer, I lived alone.  I lived alone in posh basement apartment in East York, on the other side of the city.  Even though I reflect and wonder if that were a bad choice, which I think it was, it was the choice I made at the time and that summer gave me independence and some confidence back.

I had Mooshi with me, gave him a cute shave with a mohawk and we paraded our new area like it was going to be ours.

I’m sitting outside right now with Mooshi, and Boyfriend, and we’re all going to do some gardening today.

I know what you're thinking...

Moo's new doo

This is my summer, working full-time in digital media as a content processor and manager.  Living at home with my grand father, trying to right the wrongs and do more than I know I am capable of.  Anything is possible right?

Fresh start, new beginnings

I’ve said it once before, I’ve said it a million times.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

Who first said that? Should it be quoted? One thing I know is that I am allowed to say it as much as I need to in order to follow through and really begin all the ‘good’ in life I see in my head.

It is almost as if there are two people inside of me. One that concocts all of the fabulous ideas in my brain – and another, who either does or does not carry them out.

There are pros and cons to that. It means I don’t rush, and I usually think things through, and also that it just literally does not get done, or so much more could have been done than I actually did.


My gym membership, teacup yorkie, full time job, and full time boyfriend are really catching up to me. Did I mention friends, family, and saving money?
On top of those, there are the ‘in-laws’, impressionable sibs, saucy girlfriends, and the pampering and grooming of myself regularly that drive me bonkers some days. How do mujeres (ladies) keep up with it all?

This blog is about myself, and other ladies alike myself who want balance and sustainance in every part of their being.

Join me in healthy eating, fitness, gardening, sewing, partying, families, animal care and home as well as literally every other aspect of life a lady can handle.

Please follow me and send me any type of feedback as critics and followers are necessary for everyone to learn something.

Thank you.